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Today Top Bar Pulldown – Food and Beverage hours.
To change the location of the hours that the Food & Beverage option shows, go to “Today Options” here (“Today” tab).
In the “Hours Shortcode” field, you can change the location of the hours being pulled. The hours are generated from the Hours Generator and show on the Calendar as well. The shortcode will pull the hours from the different locations in the Hours Generator.
Available Locations
‘passactivities’ => ‘Pass activities’,
‘airstream’ => ‘Airstream on Ice’,
‘trailfandb’ => ‘Trail Center – Food & Beverage’,
‘waterrelease’ => ‘Water Release’,
‘pumphouse’ => ‘Pump House Biergarten’,
‘riversedge’ => “River’s Edge”,
‘market’ => ‘The Market’,
‘trailcenter’ => ‘The Trail Center’,
‘kayakcenter’ => ‘Kayak Center’,
‘outfitters’ => ‘Outfitters’,
‘maingrounds’ => ‘Main Grounds’,
‘trails’ => ‘Trails’,
‘additionalprogramming’ => ‘Additional Programming’,
An Example:
Currently, it uses [get_hours location=”market”]
To change this to pull the hours from the restaurant, “The River’s Edge” you would change the shortcode to: [get_hours location=”riversedge”]